Just going a little off-track here! After a really hectic semester, found time to pull up my chair and type on Blogger again! Well, not being a big mouth here but would like share some good news with you all... :P
Our BE project, titled 'Honeydoop- a system for on demand virtual high interaction honeypots' has been going pretty good and has helped us bag an acceptance from an international IEEE conference! I had submitted a paper proposing the system and its basic overview to the conference and was pleasantly surprised on getting the acceptance letter some time back! Never really thought the idea could prove this cogent! Anyway here are the conference details :
Name : 7th IEEE International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST)-2012
Where: London, UK
When : Dec 10th to 13th.
Hope everything goes well, there! :)
One of my other papers 'VoIP Cell Phones: Security Concerns and Countermeasures' co-authored with my old 'friend and guide' Chinmay Khasnis (of www.chinusden.blogspot.in fame) too has been accepted for publication in an international journal based in France. Some field month for publications, eh?
Sorry for the side-track! Will be back with my usual self at the earliest! ;)